A Family of Faith
Not too big
Not too small
With less than 100 members, RMLBC is not too big. Most everybody knows most everybody else! It’s a family atmosphere, and there’s a lot of support and prayer among our people.
But our church is not too small. God has called us to do big things, and with his help, we are seeking to do them. We have a children’s ministry, youth ministry, praise band, and we support missionaries. In fact, we take a missionary team to Peru every year.
There are many advantages to having a church that is not too big but also not too small.
Regular Weekly Schedule
Sunday School 9:30
Morning Worship 10:30
The Egg (Adult Bible Study) 6:30
Youth Gathering 6:30
Team Kid (Children's Bible Study and Recreation) 6:30
Always check our Facebook Page for any changes. For special events, click here.

RMLBC is a congregational church, meaning the congregation, under the headship of Christ, makes major church decisions together as a group. Each member is significant in helping provide overall direction for the body. Additionally, the congregation has approved the calling of various leaders to help guide the church and meet its needs, including our pastor, children’s director, youth director, a non-vocational elder, and a board of deacons. Our leadership are servants of the church, taking their cue from Christ who willingly washed his disciples’ feet: John 13:14, “If I then, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also ought to wash one another’s feet.”
At RMLBC, our common faith in Jesus Christ is what unites us as a church. We are friends, yes, but more than that, we are brothers and sisters in Christ. Read here about our the Christian beliefs that we cherish.
Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.
6495 Rock Mountain Lake Road
Mc Calla, Alabama 35111